Gonore is one of the most contagious bacterial infections we have, and it mainly affects vaginal, oral and anal sexual contact, but the gonococcal can also infect other parts of the body where gonorrhea gets in the throat and eye. This usually affects newborns through maternal infection during birth, but adult people are also prone to gonorrhea in the eye. This is a very serious infection that requires rapid treatment if you want to prevent serious complications such as reduced vision and worst case blindness.
How do you get gonococci on the eye?
The most common way to get gonorrhea in the eye is to scratch in the eye after touching genital organs infected with the gonococcal bacteria and then itching in the eye. This means that everyone with a normal gonore infection is in the risk group to get gonorrhea in the eye, but you are also exposed if you have sex with an infected partner. Newborn children are also prone to gonore in their eyes during childbirth, if the mother has an ongoing gonoreal infection in the abdomen. Gonococci who have infected an eye are a very aggressive condition and, with very few exceptions, always have symptoms, and can result in severe corneal scarring if they are not treated in time.
What are the symptoms of gonorrhea in the eye?
Common signs and symptoms of gonococcal conjunctivitis are:
Itching and redness of the eye (or both islands), which often debute suddenly.
Puss that has red or yellow color, liquid or sticky eyelid (which is difficult to keep open).
Pain and inflammation of the eye (usually very serious), with a feeling of “sand” within the eye.
Reduced vision.
Swollen lymph nodes in front of the ears.
Strong discomfort when urinating (for men and women) and vaginal discharge.
Women can also have a history of other symptoms of gonorrhea such as pelvic inflammation.
If you have clear symptoms of gonorrhea in the eye, then there may be something else. If you have severe symptoms consult your doctor immediately. If you have mild symptoms you can test yourself first.
Who is exposed to gonore watching?
People who fall under the risk group to gonore in the eye:
Those who are infected with “normal” gonorrhea infection in the genitals.
Those who have a partner who is infected with gonore.
Men who have sex with men.
Men who have sex with women from outside of Europe.
Men who have sex with prostitutes.
Newborn with a mother who has a gonore infection.
Young, sexually active persons under 25 are at high risk, especially if they practice unprotected sex and have multiple partners.
It is not necessarily that you have been infected with gonorrhea in the eye if you fall into one of the risk groups mentioned above. However, it is recommended that you test yourself for gonococcal and other sexually transmitted diseases to prevent infection that can prevent infection to others, as well as prevent serious complications associated with undiscovered gonore infection. This can be done with the doctor, or you can buy a self-test for gonore that can be taken behind the four walls of the house in peace and peace.