Gonore is a sexually transmitted disease that is transmitted through unprotected sex, and this infection can cause serious complications if the infected person goes too long without treatment. This disease often produces symptoms in men, but in women there is a significant proportion that has no symptoms at all. It is therefore important to test regularly if in the risk group for gonorrhea, or even if you have a clear suspicion of disease. It is possible to take a test for gonore a few days after unprotected sex, but it is recommended to wait one week as the incubation time (the time it takes from the bacterium to develop into an infection) lasts from 2-7 days. You usually test with your GP or at a health center, but it is also possible to test yourself with a gonoretic test taken at home.
What can happen if you get diagnosed too late?
A hidden infection with gonorrhea that is not detected and treated in time can spread from the genitals to other parts of the body. One of these places may be ovary and uterus in women, and the bitterness and sedation of men. This can result in various complications, but some serious sequelae are usually pelvic inflammation, ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the uterus) and chronic pain syndrome. There are also some who lose the ability to have children by making gonore make them sterile.
Who should take a test for gonore?
It is recommended that you test yourself if you can identify with one or more of the points mentioned below, but remember that these are first indicative. This means that anyone who suspects infection should take a test for gonore, even if they do not recognize themselves.
You or your partner think you have symptoms of gonorrhea.
You have had unprotected sex with a new partner.
You or your partner have had unprotected sex with other people.
Men who have sex with men
Men who have sex with women outside of Europe
Men who have sex with prostitutes.
You have another sexually transmitted disease.
A sex partner tells you that they have a sexually transmitted disease.
Where to go for a gonore test?
There are several places where you can test yourself for gonorrhea:
The general practitioner.
Health center for young people
You can also take a gonet test at home for screening purposes