Kas yra chlamidiozė?

Chlamydia is the most common disease in Norway, and many doctors consider it a public disease as 15 per cent of all young people between 15 and 25 years of age are infected with the disease. One of the reasons why there is a high incidence of chlamydia among young people is that an infection rarely causes any noticeable ailments or symptoms. This means that chlamydia can develop for a long time without being detected and treated in time, and this may result in serious complications such as bitter inflammation (epidydimitis) in men, which ultimately may result in infertility and childlessness.

What Symptoms Do Chlamydia In Piece Stuff?

Epidydimitis is the Latin term for acute inflammation of the bite, which begins gradually over a few days of pain in the scrotum that radiates in the stomach and groin. This can sometimes be accompanied by chills and fever at between 39-40 degrees, and some may experience sore throat urge, frequent urination and discharge from the urethra. Bitestick inflammation has the highest incidence in young adults, as it usually appears as a complication of an infection with chlamydia or gonorrhea. However, it is not uncommon that you do not get any symptoms of chlamydia in bite ducts, so it is important to test yourself regularly with a home test for chlamydia if you are exposed to infection.

How do you diagnose bite inflammation?

Bitestickitis is largely a clinical diagnosis, which means that it is based on typical symptoms and findings. Your doctor will do this by looking at your scrotum and then feeling it to distinguish between inflammation in bite (epidydimitis) and testicular (orkitt). The next thing he will do is find the underlying cause of the infection by testing you for urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia.

What is the prognosis and treatment for chlamydia in bites?

Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that is treated with an antibiotic in the form of a 7 day cure with tetracycline, but in the case of a disease in the bite duct, one has to use a strong type of antibiotics to minimize injury. It is also common for people with bititis infection to be hospitalized for a few days for observation, but in spite of this, the prognosis for treated bitaritis is very good. Most people do not want any complications at all, but in some cases, if they are very unfortunate, they can reduce fertility.