Gonorėjos komplikacijos

Gonorėjos komplikacijos

If gonorr is allowed to go undisturbed without treatment, it can cause serious consequences for both women and men. This will have different outcomes for each gender, but it can lead to serious complications – there is no doubt – especially if the bacterium has crossed the blood since it causes the bacterium to spread … Skaitykite viską >>

Gonorėja burnoje ir gerklėje

Gonorėja burnoje ir gerklėje

There are many people, especially teenagers, who consider oral sex as “safe sex”, but this is not always the case as safe sex is not just about preventing unwanted pregnancy. It also involves avoiding infection with sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV, chlamydia, syphilis or gonorrhea. Oral sex will not be “safe sex” if no … Skaitykite viską >>

Gonorėja ir nevaisingumas

Gonorėja ir nevaisingumas

Gonore is one of the most contagious sexually transmitted infections we have in the world, and can result in serious complications such as infertility if you do not get treatment on time. The gonococcal bacteria makes the infected woman sterile by spreading and damaging the fallopian tube through the cervix, but it can also make … Skaitykite viską >>

Gonorėja akyse

Gonorėja akyse

Gonore is one of the most contagious bacterial infections we have, and it mainly affects vaginal, oral and anal sexual contact, but the gonococcal can also infect other parts of the body where gonorrhea gets in the throat and eye. This usually affects newborns through maternal infection during birth, but adult people are also prone … Skaitykite viską >>

Gonorėjos tyrimas ir diagnozė

Gonorėjos tyrimas ir diagnozė

Gonore is a sexually transmitted disease that is transmitted through unprotected sex, and this infection can cause serious complications if the infected person goes too long without treatment. This disease often produces symptoms in men, but in women there is a significant proportion that has no symptoms at all. It is therefore important to test … Skaitykite viską >>

Gonorėja išangėje

Gonorėja išangėje

There are 350 million people in the world who are infected with a gender disease every year worldwide, which amounts to approx. 5 percent of the world’s population. The different symptoms vary varies widely between the various diseases, but those who denote the rectum have the same symptoms and signs. Most sexually transmitted diseases that … Skaitykite viską >>

Gonorėjos gydymas antibiotikais

Gonorėjos gydymas antibiotikais

Gonore is one of the many sexually transmitted diseases you can get by practicing unprotected sex with stranger sex partners, and this infection often goes unnoticed by the infected. This is scary because you risk the disease spreading to other parts of the body, and from there gonorrhea can cause serious complications such as pelvic … Skaitykite viską >>

Gonorėja naujagimiams

Gonorėja naujagimiams

Many do not think that the unborn child also has a high risk of having a sexually transmitted infection if the mother is infected, and the gonococcus often infects in the eyes of newborns during childbirth. This gives equally serious consequences in children as in adults, as a gonor in the eye can result in … Skaitykite viską >>

Gonorėja ir nėštumas

Gonorėja ir nėštumas

Gonore is a sexually transmitted disease that predominates primarily through sexual contact, but the disease can also be transmitted from an infected mother to children during childbirth. This may result in a serious infection with gonorrhea in the eye, which can result in blindness or, at worst, a severe visual impairment. Women with active gonoric … Skaitykite viską >>

Informacija apie gonorėjos testą

Informacija apie gonorėjos testą

Gonore is caused by the bacteria nesseria gonorrhoeae, better known as gonococcus, which infects through unprotected intercourse or from mother to child during birth. This bacterium causes disease by attacking the mucous membranes along the genitals, and can also infect other parts of the body involved in sexual contact, such as mouth, throat, anus and … Skaitykite viską >>